I haven't blogged in a long time therefor this post maybe VERY unorganized and me just ranting and venting about things. I've been thinking for toooo long, it just needs to be written/typed out so I can stop thinking about them non-stop. So here we go. Hang on. lol
Hmm where to begin...
February has been a Very interesting month by far. I've had so much go happen I can't wait for Tuesday so March can begin. I had a few jobs which was nice and I'm so extremely thankful that I had opportunities to help out and plus make some money. I am waiting to hear from someone about a job at Charming Charlies. I got a call from them today and I have another interview for tomorrow. I am pray that God opens the door for me there. I would love to work there and plus I think it would be a great environment to work in as well. Im really pumped about this job. The best part is that God did it all.
I am now a youth leader as well as a youth worship leader. I can't believe it. lol I know I'm always goin on about how I don't believe it but its true, I just never thought I would really get this chance and now that it's here it's so much more than I ever would have expected it feels like a dream. I just can't wait to see what God does though this amazing opportunity.
My parents are comin to visit and Im really excited. After all the changes I've been through and being sick and what not, it'll be good to see them and spend some time with them although if i get this job I may not be able to spend as much time with them as I want... God's got it all under control though, He knows what He's doin so I'm not stressing about anything. lol I wonder how me learning not to stress about life's little things means for me later on in life? I wonder what God has up under his sleeve for me.
I've decided I don't particularly enjoy online classes. So far its been fine and I can do it but all the stuff you hear in class you now have to read it andddddd I HATE reading soooo yea if I can take classes at school that's what Imma do. This online classes thing isn't that much fun. And not to mention that I keep second guessing myself every time I have to turn in an assignment cause I'm scared imma do it wrong. It's just a lil bit of stress but it's more stress than I want.
I miss my bestfriend. I know I may say that alot but I really do. I just wanna hang out with her and goof off. She is the most amazing person I know. I am so thankful I have someone I can vent to about anything and she's gunna give me an honest opinion. Also I know she's never gunna leave me even if I screw up my life. She's gunna be there to encourage me through whatever I'm goin through.
I hate pink eye. Its the worst thing in the world! I pray I never get it again after this. It's so annoying. I'm washing everything to make sure I don't spread it or re-infect myself. My hands are so dry from washing them it's not even funny.
I'm pretty pumped about my 21st b-day. I kinda feel like I've been stuck at 19. So much has happened since I've been 20 it's like I never really got to enjoy it. I was thinking about my b-day from last year and it feels like such a long time ago. It's weird to think that in about 4 months I'll be 21. I still feel really young at times. But then again at other times I feel super old lol it's just weird thinking bout it sometimes.
Im gunna have to continue this tomorrow cause I'm super tired and its kinda late. So far so good though atleast thats what I think lol
A blog that allows me to be myself and free from what others may think. It's my corner, to express things from my heart.
Sunday, February 27
Saturday, February 19
Holly's Snow Angel
This is what happens when you have been locked up in the house because of the weather. You only live once, so why not?!
It was quite fun. The snow was really fluffy and soft too which was nice. I do however need to work on my snow angel skills, lol.
Wednesday, February 16
Snuggle or Cuddle?
Snuggling or Cuddling, whats the difference? I don't know exactly but I had a friend tell me once that snuggling you can do by yourself and the cuddling is with someone. Sounds like a pretty good explanation of them to me. So based on those definitions, I would have to say I love cuddling much more than snuggling. Although don't get me wrong, I always look forward to snuggling deep down in my sheets in my bed at night. It's one of my favorites in life.
When I lived in LA I used to snuggle up with my baby dog, Mr. Bear. I still sleep with a dog, I just don't get to snuggle with her. She likes to sleep on my pillows rather than sleeping next to me. Not to mention she gets her hair EVERYWHERE!! She's lucky shes so darn cute otherwise she would not have a place in my bed.
When I lived in LA I used to snuggle up with my baby dog, Mr. Bear. I still sleep with a dog, I just don't get to snuggle with her. She likes to sleep on my pillows rather than sleeping next to me. Not to mention she gets her hair EVERYWHERE!! She's lucky shes so darn cute otherwise she would not have a place in my bed.
Monday, February 14
It's Valentines DAY!!
To be honest, I've never really been a big fan of Valentines day. I had a sad association with it beginning in six grade and ever since I've never really had a big reason to enjoy it. The one time I actually had a boyfriend to enjoy it with, the day turned out to be a disaster. I don't walk around with a grumpy face all day, but I'm not jumping up and down with joy either. My dad sent me an email with a lil background to how Valentine's day became a special day. I thought it was really neat and I have some appreciation for it now too. The upside to Valentine's day is that there's CANDY!!! Especially CHOCOLATE!! :)
Here's the email my dad sent me. Hope you enjoy it and have a great and Blessed Valentines day!
"In the 3rd century, Emperor Claudius II was faced with defending the Roman Empire from invading Goths. He believed single men made better soldiers so he temporarily forbade marriage. Claudius also forced the Senate to deify the former Emperor Gallienus, including him with the Roman gods to be worshipped Legend has it that Saint Valentine was a bishop in Italy who risked the Emperor's wrath by refusing to worship idols and for secretly marrying young couples. Saint Valentine was dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and have his head cut off on FEBRUARY 14, 269AD. While awaiting execution, it is said he prayed for the jailers' sick daughter, who miraculously recovered. He wrote her a note and signed it, "from your Valentine." In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius designated February 14th as "Saint Valentine's Day." Signing an X for a kiss began in Medieval times where those who could not write their name marked a criss-cross or "Christ's cross" in the presence of witnesses and kissed it to show sincerity as a form of the oath "So help me God." In the Greek alphabet, X is called Chi, and it is the first letter of the Greek name of Christ, giving rise to the use of X-mas for Christmas."
Ps Will you be my Valentine?
Here's the email my dad sent me. Hope you enjoy it and have a great and Blessed Valentines day!
"In the 3rd century, Emperor Claudius II was faced with defending the Roman Empire from invading Goths. He believed single men made better soldiers so he temporarily forbade marriage. Claudius also forced the Senate to deify the former Emperor Gallienus, including him with the Roman gods to be worshipped Legend has it that Saint Valentine was a bishop in Italy who risked the Emperor's wrath by refusing to worship idols and for secretly marrying young couples. Saint Valentine was dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and have his head cut off on FEBRUARY 14, 269AD. While awaiting execution, it is said he prayed for the jailers' sick daughter, who miraculously recovered. He wrote her a note and signed it, "from your Valentine." In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius designated February 14th as "Saint Valentine's Day." Signing an X for a kiss began in Medieval times where those who could not write their name marked a criss-cross or "Christ's cross" in the presence of witnesses and kissed it to show sincerity as a form of the oath "So help me God." In the Greek alphabet, X is called Chi, and it is the first letter of the Greek name of Christ, giving rise to the use of X-mas for Christmas."
Ps Will you be my Valentine?
Wednesday, February 9
All things work together for those who love Him
Well I have a great peace about life. I also am feeling great. I am no longer sick, PRAISE JESUS! I just got a keyboard to practice on at my house everyday. Still no job, but that's okay because I know Gods got something in mind for me.
I had a chitchat with one of my friends to make sure we were on the same page as far as friendships and what not and it went great. It wasn't awkward at all. Whew! lol I now know that I have a great friend and I can talk about anything with him if I need to. I see us being great friends even more close than we are now. We have alot of things in common and share some of the same friends so we are gunna be around each other alot. I am really happy I was bold enough to step out and say something. It was a good conversation.
I can't believe that in just a few short weeks I will be a youth leader. I just can't believe that God would actually be able to use me. I mean I knew deep down He would come through because He never fails, but to actually see His plan come to be is still so amazing. When I think about my life and how awesome God has blessed me, I think about how could people who want the most exciting life ever NOT live for Christ. My life has been everything and more than exciting. It's crazy just having faith in God and believing that what He says is gunna come true. The waiting part is more than worth the exciting outcome. I wake up everyday and can't wait to see God's hand in my life. The best part about it is that I don't have to do anything SUPER spiritual either, just live my life the best I can according to His plan and I see His hand at work in my life.
I had a chitchat with one of my friends to make sure we were on the same page as far as friendships and what not and it went great. It wasn't awkward at all. Whew! lol I now know that I have a great friend and I can talk about anything with him if I need to. I see us being great friends even more close than we are now. We have alot of things in common and share some of the same friends so we are gunna be around each other alot. I am really happy I was bold enough to step out and say something. It was a good conversation.
I can't believe that in just a few short weeks I will be a youth leader. I just can't believe that God would actually be able to use me. I mean I knew deep down He would come through because He never fails, but to actually see His plan come to be is still so amazing. When I think about my life and how awesome God has blessed me, I think about how could people who want the most exciting life ever NOT live for Christ. My life has been everything and more than exciting. It's crazy just having faith in God and believing that what He says is gunna come true. The waiting part is more than worth the exciting outcome. I wake up everyday and can't wait to see God's hand in my life. The best part about it is that I don't have to do anything SUPER spiritual either, just live my life the best I can according to His plan and I see His hand at work in my life.
Thursday, February 3
Bein sick SUCKS!
I hate being sick.. its like the worst thing in the WORLD! lol I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and kinda stuffy. I went to the doctor today cause I thought I might have had strep, but nope no strep here. Which is kinda sad cause I really wanted to get treated and feel better but instead i'm just drinkin lots of fluids and taking it easy. I feel so lame when I'm sick. I cant do anything because I don't have any strength nor energy.
I feel so bi-polar at times. I go from cant think about anything else but him to everything but him and how it's not gunna work out. I wish I just knew whether things would work out or not. Then I'd be fine with waiting cause I would know that in the end I get the guy. All this unknown is gettin on my nerves, especially now that its been 6 months... ARG! lol But looking back on it all I guess its good that he's takin his time cause I'm fallin more and more in love with lil things about him BUT at the same time if nothing comes of it imma be PISSED! Straight up! I will call him out on all his flirty crap he did too lol. Anyways... I hate random emotions that drive me crazy.
So I haven't really been up to anything lately since I've been laid up in bed sick. I actually even came back to my brothers place rather than house sitting cause Ive been so sick. I wasn't sure how Id be and if Id need anything so I came back as a precaution. Also its just been good to be in my own bed. Ive missed my room and family. It's not always exciting to be alone lol My sis in law is the best! :) Speakin of which you should check out her blog. http://designspunk.blogspot.com. She's basically amazing!
Oh! So the other day I had an interview with Hollister. Pretty amazing! lol anddddd the sales floor people are called model hahaha! It wouldn't be a full time job but it would be better than nothing right now. How cool would that be to be a Hollister model haha oh wow, that'd just be awesome. lol
I feel so bi-polar at times. I go from cant think about anything else but him to everything but him and how it's not gunna work out. I wish I just knew whether things would work out or not. Then I'd be fine with waiting cause I would know that in the end I get the guy. All this unknown is gettin on my nerves, especially now that its been 6 months... ARG! lol But looking back on it all I guess its good that he's takin his time cause I'm fallin more and more in love with lil things about him BUT at the same time if nothing comes of it imma be PISSED! Straight up! I will call him out on all his flirty crap he did too lol. Anyways... I hate random emotions that drive me crazy.
So I haven't really been up to anything lately since I've been laid up in bed sick. I actually even came back to my brothers place rather than house sitting cause Ive been so sick. I wasn't sure how Id be and if Id need anything so I came back as a precaution. Also its just been good to be in my own bed. Ive missed my room and family. It's not always exciting to be alone lol My sis in law is the best! :) Speakin of which you should check out her blog. http://designspunk.blogspot.com. She's basically amazing!
Oh! So the other day I had an interview with Hollister. Pretty amazing! lol anddddd the sales floor people are called model hahaha! It wouldn't be a full time job but it would be better than nothing right now. How cool would that be to be a Hollister model haha oh wow, that'd just be awesome. lol
Tuesday, February 1
February has begun
Well today was my first day of no facebook for February, it wasn't that bad. Looking back on the day, I actually kinda enjoyed it. lol Yes there are times where there is nothing else to do so I wanna get on fb but then I think about how awesome it would be to spend my time practicing worship songs on the keyboard or how I could sit and worship God with some music. I'm really glad that I am fasting from fb because it will help me manage my time while I don't have a lot of commitments. I am learning how to structure my time on my own rather than HAVING to with other things goin on. I think its gunna be a time of refreshing.
So I played keys at practice tonight and it was pretty awesome. It wasn't anything super great but it was good to play. I've really enjoyed playing again. I'm actually kinda surprised of how much I enjoy it haha.
I've kinda gotten used to being single. I'm not quite sure I would know what I would do if I began dating a guy. Plus I like being single. I don't have to worry bout anyone but me when I make decisions. Also, I really don't want to lose my bestfriend. I'm kinda nervous that if I begin dating a guy that I would push my friends to the side and that friendship would die some. I am always on the end of friends droppin my friendship because they started dating a guy. Im just afraid that that is gunna happen to me since that's what I'm used to.
So I played keys at practice tonight and it was pretty awesome. It wasn't anything super great but it was good to play. I've really enjoyed playing again. I'm actually kinda surprised of how much I enjoy it haha.
I've kinda gotten used to being single. I'm not quite sure I would know what I would do if I began dating a guy. Plus I like being single. I don't have to worry bout anyone but me when I make decisions. Also, I really don't want to lose my bestfriend. I'm kinda nervous that if I begin dating a guy that I would push my friends to the side and that friendship would die some. I am always on the end of friends droppin my friendship because they started dating a guy. Im just afraid that that is gunna happen to me since that's what I'm used to.
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