Monday, September 19

Back and forth

Okay. So I have been goin back and forth over this in my head all day long. I have been thinking over and over about it so much that I have no idea which way is right.

Alright so God says that He will give us the desires of our heart, right? Well what if I want a really sexy, handsome, buff guy for my husband? I have never had the luck of getting the attention of any attractive guys ever in my life so I am beginning to think that I am going to have one of those guys that I only find attractive, which isn't bad, just sayin. But then I think that I am thinking less of myself and limiting what God can do. And then I go back to thinking well the guys that aren't the best looking need wives too and since I haven't had the best of luck with the attractiveness side of guys, maybe I am one of those woman that marries the guy that no one else finds attractive. Which if is true, I know I won't have to worry about my friends stealing my husband away from me, lol.

I'm not trying to think less of myself by any means and I'm not just trying to be realistic. If I end up with a guy that I only find attractive great, but I just wonder if I should have hope of a guy that is SUPER sexy and what not, ya know?

I don't know, maybe it's just me being a hopeless romantic but it's annoying. I am questioning myself because for so long I believed I would never catch the eye of an attractive guy, but now I'm wondering if that's just because of my low self esteem. Do you see my problem? lol ARG!

THEN! I have a whole other problem about how I really like a guy and I really wish things would work between us but I don't know. It's a desire of my heart but if it's not God's plan than it wont work out and I just pray that God would settle my heart of the feelings... I don't like this place I am in.

I just really want some clear answers. :(

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