I don’t really have a big rant or anything to go on but life
as a whole hasn’t been that bad. Just a really tiring week. I feel like I haven’t
slept at all this week but really I have gone to bed at the same time and
gotten up at the same time so I would figure my body would be used to the time
schedule buttttt apparently not considering I am still super tired. Lol
I am super pumped though! My sister is comin in today and
will be here for the weekend. She’s amazing and I miss her lots! Lol I never
know exactly what we are going to do when we are together but whatever we do I
know that we are going to have a blast and make memories, some good and some
bad, but either way memories. Lol
Well I found out how much my tattoo would be and now I can
kinda let the idea die for a lil while. I don’t have the money andddd don’t see
me having that kind of money to blow on a tat anytime soon, lol. Sad but good I
guess, gives me more time to tweak it.
I miss doing worship. I miss the Reno Vineyard worship team.
I miss the youth kids. I miss my niece and nephew.
I had baby fever the past week and then I babysat two lil
girls under the age of 3 and it cured it! Yay! :D hahahah don’t get me wrong I
love kids but I just forget how much time and effort goes into caring for kids.
I am not ready to give up my life to raising kids yet. Plus I am not having
kids until Im married and that for sure isn’t happening anytime soon hahahah!
I do look forward to having my own house and own house rules. Its really hard for me not to get all bent outta shape when my roommates don't do things the way I have always known. The kitchen is a war zone in our house! lol Its okay though, I just get to practice my love for others and selflessness. (Smile.) Everyday I have to just suck it up and rewash the pots because girls don't know how to clean pots... orrr how I have to clean the bathroom sink because the girl doesn't know how to spit in the sink instead of all over the counter and faucets... Love. Love. Love. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? We'll see...
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