Monday, June 20

Working out babbyyyy

So this post is really just cause I am so proud of myself and not in a boastful way just in the fact that I didn't think I would ever be able to get so fit again.

I have been working out for the past month about 3 times a week and i can run on the elliptical for an hour on the resistance of 10 AND in Nevada which has higher elevation which means i have to work harder for oxygen hahahahha. But also I've been lifting weights to build upper body strength and that has been awesome too. I can tell I have built some muscle which I am SO pumped bout!!! Plus Ive also lost 8 pounds through all of this. Since living with nicole we have been eating pretty well, I think. lol I mean we get our protein in andddd veggies from salad andddd we dont really eat a whole lot of sweets. We mostly eat fish, shrimp, and onions. Ive also been biking which i never thought id do lol but really its fun and i like it. lol I really wanna bring my bike with me to Kansas City but idk how to get it home and what not... I could sell it for 40 bucks...but then id be out of a bike... :-/ and i really like biking

Im sad im moving because I just finally got into a work out routine. But the good thing is, is that my body wants to work out now so its almost like I crave it now. That's probably also cause I feel so great after working out and overall all the time I feel great :)

Sunday, June 19

Ramblings BIG time

Alrighty, Imma jump right in it. I am attending the Forerunner Music Academy this fall. Which means I will be moving back to Louisiana around the middle of July and then moving up to Kansas City mid August. I am really excited to be moving for TONS of reasons. One I do get to go home for a lil bit before I move away again. I love Louisiana. I cant help it. I mean really the weather is the worst butttttt it still has captured my heart. Seriously though I love Reno. I cant even begin to explain how incredible living in Reno has been for me. Reno has helped me grow in so many areas of my life its been insane! There are so many people that have definitely left their mark on my life in a good way. Seriously I dont think I would have ever considering bein on a worship team if it hadnt have been for the AMAZING people out here.

I loved every minute being with my nephew and niece. I would have never thought I would have been able to be apart of their life like that. I learned so much from my sister in law and I actually got to have a relationship with my oldest brother something I thought I had lost forever. To be apart of my niece and nephews life means so much to me. I am so grateful that God allowed me to be in my brothers family life.

I have grown as a person from so many out here. My sister in law taught me how to believe in myself and how to communicate better. She has been such a blessing. I am so excited to continue our relationship even though we may not live close.

I've made a lifelong friend, Nicole. She has been one of my greatest friends God has ever blessed me with. I am so blessed to be apart of her life. She has taught me how to be a better person. She never gave up on me and even pushed me farther than I have ever been with music. She has the biggest heart Ive seen. She will always be apart of my heart wherever we live.

Monday, June 13

I need to get better

Okay so on the real, I know alot of people dont really read my blog but like ive said a million times, blogging makes me feel so much better. It gives me a chance to really just let go and talk/text away lol.

So life is..... Interesting. I have a chance to go to the IHOP school of Worship. Personally it would be the BEST thing that I ever did to really get on top of my music/worship life. It would be a time for me to spend ever waking moment in the presence of God. How awesome and incredible it would that be? It would be awesome opportunity to really take advantage and mold and allow God to shape what He has already put in my heart. The desires from Him. Reno gave me my dream back. It gave me a chance to hope and really believe that what God gave me wasn't a lost and hopeless dream. It was a chance for me to really think bout life again and truly have joy. If I left Reno I would be sad, but yet happy for a chance to really embrace the worshiper in me.

Really if I stop and think about if this is the "perfect" time to go, its never gunna be the perfect time to go. There is always something else that will be keeping where ever I am. If I wanna go, personally I think I should just go now and not hold anything back. I have thought bout everything under the sun and how everything would effect people around me.

I am planning on making my decision final by this the end of this week.

Stay tuned....