Monday, February 20

Just a lil bit annoying

Why are the things that never used to bother me starting to bother me now? 

I feel like I was really sociable for the first few weeks of school and I had fun but now. I want my alone time back. I dont wanna share everything that is going on in my life with all of my roommates and I only want my close friends around me. At times I like being loud and makin a "scene" but deep down I'd rather just be fun with my friends in my room or just us. 

I spent all weekednd with my close friend and I loved hanging out with her. I didnt get aggervated or annoyed with her. Then when I came home, all my roommates wanted to know bout my weekend and I didnt really wanna talk to them bout it. Plus the fact that my roommates are "worried" bout me because im not as "fiery" as I used to be. What does that mean?? How do you know I'm not as fiery as I used to be? First of all the fact I was fiery in the first place was rare. I just get annoyed cause people who don't know me are trying to impose their life styles on me. 

I live my life, you live yours. I personally don't feel like their is one way to life a holy life before God. There are different parts of the body. They look different and they have different roles. Your walk with God may look different from mine but that doesn't mean we both aren't striving after the same thing. 

I dont know, maybe I just need my alone time to relax some and then I can appreciate people and friends again.  

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