Sunday, February 26


Well after a long weekend (and still a long day of work ahead of me) I've realized that I need to refocus on God. Last night I talked to a friend of mine and through talking to him about what he was struggling with I got freedom. I was so shocked! I've been struggling with really letting go of everything and just breathe and focus on Him. I haven't been able to do that in a few months now.

It was crazy. I talked to him and then went to worship and I had a clear mind, a clear heart, and joy deep within. The very thing I had been wrestling with I shared with someone and God gave me freedom. I realized that after I shared with him I needed to practice what I preach. I talked to him and encouraged him to keep his focus on God and I was failing to do so myself even though I have tried so many times. As soon as I shut my eyes and began to focus, I could almost feel the chains break.

It was an amazing feeling. The feeling of the peace of God on me again was so enjoyable. Ya know how people say you don't know what you have til its gone, well the peace of God was like that for me. I had lost the peace a while back and I had no idea what I was missing until I felt it again. Sigh of relief to be back in my Fathers loving arms.

This week has been crazy for me. God has brought this guy I CAN NOT stand into my life and I am learning how to love people on a deeper level. At the beginning of the week I began to feel like this week might be interesting, spiritually and after what happened last night I think it was just God preparing me. I needed to prepared my heart to receive from Him. I needed to allow Him to come in with His peace. God also has been reminding me gentle to not give my all to everyone else. I need to keep some things for me and Him. Not that I dont wanna be open with my friends but at the same time, not everyone get the immediate right to know everything about me. Its part of having healthy boundaries. I tend to give more than I should because thats my personality. Giving isn't bad but its when you give so much of yourself that you dont have any for yourself. God has blessed me with this giving personality and in that I also have a responsibility to steward my giving ability well.

So I have this amazing teacher Ron Downing. This week he was talking about how most people who don't have a focused life have midlife crises because they just wake up one day and realize they should reevaluate their life. But if you live a focused life you have a weekly midlife crises. I think its safe to say I've had my weekly life crises. It's good to reevaluate life. That way you can see the change that God is doing and you can also see the growth you are making. So thus begins my new refocused life. God. Keep Him number one, at all times. :)

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