Saturday, June 12

June 10, 2010

I go through waves where I cant wait to be home and then when I never wanna leave costa. I know I should really enjoy my time here but its so hard sometimes, especially when everyone makes fun of me about how I talk, where I live, and even what I say. Even the freakin girls who live 45 mins from me. Im sorry I have a southern drawl. I cant help it. Ugh it pisses me off so much. I cant say anything without someone commenting on it being stupid, not makin sense or how I sound when I say it. I don’t even wanna talk anymore, cause I know im just gunna be made fun of so theres no point in it.

But then I realize that im not gunna be able to hang out with theses girls like am now so I should enjoy it. some of the girls are really sweet and I love them to death and I am really gunna miss them. My roommate is awesome and we have alotta things in common which is great. And then there is also another girl who is the sweetest thing I’ve ever met. I really am gunna miss her a lot. She has a great personality.

I guess just being together with everyone for two weeks is startin to wear on me. Im really startin to miss my family and friends and some things that the girls are doin are getting on my nerves. But I guess that’s what happens when you spend just about every minute of everyday with 8 girls with ages from 17 to 23. Sigh…. well I just have one week left I can make it. I just keep thinking positive thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. STAND UP for yourself!! Yea, you might feel like you are creating drama, but if someone does something that bothers you, you have every right to stand up for yourself. Just say, hey Ladies. I really don't appreciate you picking on me and I'd like you to stop. Believe me, they might be annoyed at first, but soon, they'll realize they were being jerks...
