Saturday, January 22

Just Random side notes

I have barely used my brights on my car since I've moved to Reno. I thought it was funny how I saw all the city light and thought it was pretty. Most people would like it darker to see the stars but I guess since I grew up under the stars seeing city lights is a nice change. lol On my drive home I actually did end up using my brights, I had forgotten how Bright they actually were haha.

So the other day I was thinking and I think the way a guy drives is either very attractive or a big turn off. For instance, if a guy is driving really reckless then I'm not gunna feel safe with him, there for would not like to have a long term relationship with him, especially if he takes chances and I am at risk. On the other hand if a guy is cautious and pays attention to what he's doin then I feel like I can trust him to take care of me and protect me.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day and fell in love with it. "Don't make abortion illegal, make it unnecessary." How awesome is that?! It's a great way to promote pro-life. It's not that it should be made illegal, it just should be made something that isn't necessary. There are so many other alternatives, the way to lower abortion rates is to convince people by love and care that abortion is NOT the best decision.

It's funny how the devil tries to attack you with the very things you used to beat yourself up about when you are serving God with everything you have. It's really cool to recognize them and turn in the opposite direction as well. That way you get to see God's hand at work in your life. Plus it's pretty awesome to see the devil lose. lol

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