Monday, March 1

New additude

Okay so after my recently ended realtionship, I have decided that if you wanna be my boyfriend you better get your shit together. I aint playin the kid games no more. Im single until further notice. Maybe its just from the sour taste I got from the reaction of the breakup with my ex, but im just ready for a MAN. Im fine being single. It's a less stressful life anddd I dont have to worry about someone else's feelings. I can hang out and enjoy my time with my guy friends. That might sound kinda harsh but I just started college and havent even began to live my life. I wanna do things because I want too and not have to worry about someone elses schedule. Im ready to enjoy my life. :)


  1. Yea for Holly with a new attitude!

    But I should warn you, guys mature a whole lot slower than girls, so you might be waiting for a while. Sometimes I wonder about John and he's 25!!

  2. wellll hopefully i get lucky and find one who is more mature than the past guys lol but thanks for the encouragement lol ill keep my chin up :)
