Monday, November 7


Sometimes it trips me out bout how real life feels sometimes or not real. Yes I know I sound a bit crazy but if you really stop and think about life. It just doesn’t seem real. The feelings of joy, sadness, peace, and love they just don’t seem real. I love it but at the same time I just don’t get enough of all that life has to offer.

Thank God that with Him I can experience more of life to the fullest. He was the one who created life and therefore He would be the only one who can give us the feeling of satisfaction. I cant imagine actually enjoying life without Him in the center of it.

I cant even express how thankful I am to God for once again coming through with His amazing love. Just when I thought I couldn’t handle it anymore He came in and gave me peace about life. I know that He does come through but in the midst of trouble I still have a feeling of doubt. The best part is, is that I was already in a state of peace but I couldn’t feel it until I let it go. And the way I really let it go was by letting someone know so they could pray for me. I needed the encouragement. I needed the companionship from my sister in Christ. 

I think one of the most important things that I've learned here at IHOP is that prayer does make a difference. With everything that comes at me in life, it will never be too big for God and nothing that prayer wont help. I am really glad God has shown me things and now that I have stopped complaining I can actually see the growth. Not that it is any easier than it was before, but for today I can enjoy the gifts that I have been given with a light and joyful heart. Everyday is a battle but I know I can conquer it and therefor I have hope. 

Throughout everything I will never stop giving thanks to God even for the littlest things. God has blessed me more than I could ever imagine. Honesty saying thanks for things throughout my day is the least I can do. Also if I am always saying thanks it leaves little room to have a complaining attitude about things.

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